Tuesday, March 29, 2011


For the past 3 weeks, I ve been so stresful with this new guy aka my BOSS!! Yes he leads us to a new direction which is more modern, fresher, and quicker..Somehow he is so bossy...Frequently or I would say all the time give orders without knowing the limitation and our (KULI-KULI) capabilities...

As 1 of my trainee said "akak jangan la berkerut.."
Haiyak macm mane tak berkerut, TENSEn...

Currently my Suami away from us (Qisya n I...Thus I dont have listner who can tadah the telinge listen to my umpatan...arrgghhh rindu suami....

Phrases 'uncle'(boss) likes to said are :-

1. I want it now
2. my GTM...GTM...
3. Plz la I want it now
4. Thats ur part..I want it asap
5. Where is my......when can.....NOWWW!!

Should I smile and act like I m so happy being with him??